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Mission & Vision

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Our Vision : As Iğdır University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics, embracing national and universal values, learned to learn, can produce knowledge from knowledge, solve unsolved problems in an innovative way based on science, closely monitors technological developments, contributes to the welfare and happiness of humanity, with its higly competent academic satff. It aims to raise idealistic young people who can be found, open to social develpoments, free-minded, who protect and improve human.

Our Mission : To organize and conduct education and training programs that are dynamic, innovative, creative and constantly seeking excellence in economic and administrative disciplines in accordance with universal criteria, to raise individuals who are entrepreneurial enough to create financial, intellectual, social and environmental capital,equipped with contemporary knowledge in the aforementioned disciplines,who can use their knowledge creatively and innovatively, who can put information technology into practice, who understant the success condition of the future world, and who can reconcile their national identity with global values.